
Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness equipment and supplies are used to equip response teams and set up temporary shelters, medical units, and command centers for managing accident scenes, disaster sites, and other emergencies. Decontamination showers and accessories create sanitation stations for accident cleanups, rescues, and training exercises. Disaster survival kits include supplies and tools commonly used at emergency sites. Emergency communication systems allow phone and data access in remote areas. Emergency lightsticks supply light during power outages or at outdoor locations. Emergency response PPE kits provide protective gear for first responders. Flood barrier systems and sand bags hold back and divert flood waters. Portable water storage equipment provides clean water at emergency sites. Storm shelters offer protection from severe weather. Temporary emergency shelters protect against the elements and establish a base of operations.

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Pressure & Temperaure Control

Product Number: 45GG70

x1 138SR / PCS