Tubs and Showers
Tubs and showers are used for bathing in commercial, residential, and institutional restrooms. Walk-in tubs and showers provide unobstructed entry and exit via a side door and lowered threshold. Freestanding shower stalls consist of shower bases and shower walls and do not require grouting to install and maintain. Shower heads and handheld shower sprayers provide water flow to showers and tubs and may have anti-scald or water-saving features to meet regulatory standards, improve the comfort of people using the shower, and conserve water. Shower units have a panel that mounts to the wall and include a shower head and temperature controls. They are suitable for retrofitting or installing showers in bathrooms. Tub repair parts are used to maintain tubs and showers and keep them in working order.
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![]() Pressure & Temperaure Control Product Number: 45GG70 |
x1 | 138SR / PCS |